Wanted to follow-up on this with the SQL that worked in the end. Firstly...thanks so much Regina! I've no confidence that I ever would have figured out this sql on my own, and yet looking at it now it makes perfect sense!<br>
<br>So here it is in case anyone else is interested:<br><br>- vmap_countries contains country boundaries<br>- published_both_prototype_union contains dissolved polygons all over the world (millions of them.)<br><br>CREATE TABLE not_meter_or_less_prototype AS <br>
SELECT ST_Difference(vmap_countries.the_geom, C.the_sum_geom), vmap_countries.country_na<br>FROM vmap_countries INNER JOIN (SELECT ST_MemUnion(published_both_prototype_union.the_geom) As the_sum_geom,<br>vmap_countries.country_na<br>
FROM vmap_countries INNER JOIN published_both_prototype_union ON ST_Intersects(vmap_countries.the_geom, published_both_prototype_union.the_geom)<br> WHERE vmap_countries.country_na IN ('China', 'India', 'Japan')<br>
GROUP BY vmap_countries.country_na ) As C<br>ON vmap_countries.country_na = C.country_na;<br><br>Many many (many) thanks to those on the list that have helped me out!<br>Cheers,<br>dylan<br>