hi there,<br><br>i've just started using postgis, i have loaded a sample map of malaysia using the following command:<br><br>F:\PROGRA~1\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin>shp2pgsql -c -s 4326 G:\Maps\Malaysia\Detailsmaps\state_region public.mal_state > state.sql<br>
<br>Shapefile type: Polygon<br>Postgis type: MULTIPOLYGON[2]<br><br>the projection file in the prj is as follow so I assume the SRID is 4326 :<br><br>GEOGCS["Lat Long WGS84",DATUM["D_WGS84",SPHEROID["World_Geodetic_System_of_1984",6378137,298.257222932867]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]]<br>
<br>the map is successfully loaded and can be viewed using uDig. The problem occurs when I tried to use the st_area command as state in the PostGIS (1.3.3) manual (<a href=""></a>). the sql statement i issue is:<br>
<br>SELECT<br> ST_Area(the_geom)/10000 AS hectares<br>FROM mal_state<br>WHERE name = 'KELANTAN';<br><br>hectares <br>------------------ <br>0.000122167591783352 <br>(1 row)<br><br>is the return result measure in the unit of the WGS84 projection? if so how can i change it to the correct measurement? i have attached my map file in this email, can someone please shine some light? thanks in advance.<br>
<br>best regards,<br><br>Stephen<br><br>