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<TITLE>RE: [postgis-users] GIST index speed</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>ST_ functions are modern variants of older functions -- they include the bounding box check that eliminates most unwanted candidates from a search.<BR>
So try something like:<BR>
SELECT * FROM asdfs_track_point where the_geom && 'BOX3D(? ?, ? ?)'::box3d AND<BR>
within(the_geom,GeometryFromText('POLYGON((-180.0 -90.0,-180.0<BR>
90.0,180.0 90.0,180.0 -90.0,-180.0 -90.0))',4326));<BR>
where the question marks are the limits of your area of interest (I can't find the definition of what BOX3D wants for the life of me, sorry)<BR>
Greg Williamson<BR>
Senior DBA<BR>
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(My corporate masters made me say this.)<BR>
-----Original Message-----<BR>
From: postgis-users-bounces@postgis.refractions.net on behalf of Peck, Brian<BR>
Sent: Wed 6/4/2008 5:22 PM<BR>
To: PostGIS Users Discussion<BR>
Subject: RE: [postgis-users] GIST index speed<BR>
As far as I know we did not compile with debugging on, and swapping to<BR>
contains did not speed things up. However we are not using ST_Contains()<BR>
[just contains()]. These don't exist in the database (either the 8.2 I<BR>
am testing on - or an upgraded 8.3 I use locally)<BR>
Also when I rechecked the database that was supposed to be upgraded to<BR>
8.3 it was only on 8.2.<BR>
The log files seemed to only show anything if there was a problem (i.e.<BR>
bad password, non existent function, etc...) and didn't show anything<BR>
when I ran the successful but slow query.<BR>
Not sure if it will help but here is the schema for the table I am<BR>
querying against. The old lat/lon/alt fields are in there for the old<BR>
legacy database code that doesn't work with PostGIS.<BR>
Table "public.asdfs_track_point"<BR>
Column | Type |<BR>
point_index | integer | not null default<BR>
report_index | integer |<BR>
track_index | integer |<BR>
point_count | integer |<BR>
time | double precision |<BR>
latitude | double precision |<BR>
longitude | double precision |<BR>
altitude | double precision |<BR>
vel_east | real |<BR>
vel_north | real |<BR>
vel_up | real |<BR>
pos_sigma_east | real |<BR>
pos_sigma_north | real |<BR>
pos_sigma_up | real |<BR>
pos_cov_east_north | real |<BR>
pos_cov_east_up | real |<BR>
pos_cov_north_up | real |<BR>
vel_sigma_east | real |<BR>
vel_sigma_north | real |<BR>
vel_sigma_up | real |<BR>
vel_cov_east_north | real |<BR>
vel_cov_east_up | real |<BR>
vel_cov_north_up | real |<BR>
speed | double precision |<BR>
the_geom | geometry |<BR>
uturn | smallint |<BR>
"asdfs_track_point_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (point_index)<BR>
"track_idx" btree (track_index)<BR>
"track_point_id" gist (the_geom)<BR>
Check constraints:<BR>
"enforce_dims_the_geom" CHECK (ndims(the_geom) = 2)<BR>
"enforce_geotype_the_geom" CHECK (geometrytype(the_geom) =<BR>
'POINT'::text OR<BR>
the_geom IS NULL)<BR>
"enforce_srid_the_geom" CHECK (srid(the_geom) = 4326)<BR>
- Brian Peck<BR>
- 858-795-1398<BR>
- Software Engineer<BR>
- Lockheed Martin<BR>
-----Original Message-----<BR>
From: postgis-users-bounces@postgis.refractions.net<BR>
[<A HREF="mailto:postgis-users-bounces@postgis.refractions.net">mailto:postgis-users-bounces@postgis.refractions.net</A>] On Behalf Of Paul<BR>
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 4:53 PM<BR>
To: PostGIS Users Discussion<BR>
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] GIST index speed<BR>
Did you compile with debugging on? Doing a ST_Within test on 46000<BR>
things against a bbox should not take long at all. Something else is<BR>
slowing things down. What shows up in your postgresql log files? What<BR>
happens if you invert it and run ST_Contains instead?<BR>
On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 4:43 PM, Peck, Brian <brian.peck@lmco.com> wrote:<BR>
> Hi Paul,<BR>
> Yeah, the 'SELECT count(*) FROM asdfs_track_point' was very quick.<BR>
> The asdfs_track_point table has 26 columns in it with the primary key,<BR>
> the geometry field [which is currently filled with 2 dimensional POINT<BR>
> geometry objects] and another field [track_index] being indexed to try<BR>
> and speed up our queries.<BR>
> - Brian Peck<BR>
> - 858-795-1398<BR>
> - Software Engineer<BR>
> - Lockheed Martin<BR>
> -----Original Message-----<BR>
> From: postgis-users-bounces@postgis.refractions.net<BR>
> [<A HREF="mailto:postgis-users-bounces@postgis.refractions.net">mailto:postgis-users-bounces@postgis.refractions.net</A>] On Behalf Of<BR>
> Ramsey<BR>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 4:21 PM<BR>
> To: PostGIS Users Discussion<BR>
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] GIST index speed<BR>
> First, basic index concepts: when you are requesting the whole data<BR>
> set, the index (any index) does *nothing* for your performance. To<BR>
> use an (obsolete) metaphor, if you are checking out *every* book in<BR>
> the library, do you first go to the card catalog?<BR>
> So your test case isn't testing anything index related.<BR>
> Step one: is something seriously wrong with your database setup? Is<BR>
> this query pretty fast: SELECT Count(*) FROM asdfs_track_point<BR>
> It should be, counting to 42000 doesn't take long.<BR>
> Step two: why *is* your SQL case slow? Doing anything 42000 times<BR>
> shouldn't take long, particularly since one of your arguments is<BR>
> simple and small.<BR>
> Unless... your geometries are extremely big, or your tuples are<BR>
> extremely wide. Do you have a large large number of columns? How<BR>
> many vertices in your geometries?<BR>
> P.<BR>
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 4:05 PM, Peck, Brian <brian.peck@lmco.com><BR>
>> Hey all,<BR>
>> I currently am working on a PostGIS database (Postgres 8.3) and the<BR>
> requests<BR>
>> are going slower than expected.<BR>
>> The table I'm querying off of has ~42000 entries in it, and the<BR>
> geometry<BR>
>> field I'm using has a gist index on it. The query however is taking<BR>
>> seconds to return me the entries.<BR>
>> I am making the query<BR>
>> SELECT * FROM asdfs_track_point where<BR>
>> within(the_geom,GeometryFromText('POLYGON((-180.0 -90.0,-180.0<BR>
> 90.0,180.0<BR>
>> 90.0,180.0 -90.0,-180.0 -90.0))',4326));<BR>
>> This is a test case and so I am doing the entire world to find out<BR>
> long<BR>
>> things should take, but I'm told that with only 42000 rows in the<BR>
> table it<BR>
>> should be faster than 6 seconds.<BR>
>> Anyone have any idea why it might be going slow, or a way to speed up<BR>
> the<BR>
>> query?<BR>
>> Thanks,<BR>
>> - Brian Peck<BR>
>> - 858-795-1398<BR>
>> - Software Engineer<BR>
>> - Lockheed Martin<BR>
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