.hmmessage P
FONT-SIZE: 10pt;
<body class='hmmessage'><div style="text-align: left;">Ok, thnx<br>but i have tried this solution before.<br><br>It looks like a problem with the shape or most probably with the dbf file encoding. the dbf encoding should be SQL_ASCII.<br><br>Actually, if you try to save an Excel spreadsheet( which contains special character - Ë, Ç ) as a dbf file, the result is the same as in my exercise. The special characters can later be replace by using ArcView or ArcMap.<br><br><br>I just decided to remove my special characters from my database, so it's not a concern anymore (for this time, a solution has to be found anyway).<br><br>Just, for curiosity, has somebody had the same problem as mine?<br><br>Thanks to all you guys,<br><br>regards<br>Ervin<br><br></div><br><br><br><hr id="EC_stopSpelling">To: postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net<br>CC: postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net; postgis-users-bounces@postgis.refractions.net<br>Subject: RE: [postgis-users] Postgis to ESRI shape file encoding problem<br>From: Maher_Karim@dorsch.com.jo<br>Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 14:48:20 +0300<br><br>
<br><font face="sans-serif" size="2">Hello,</font>
<br><font face="sans-serif" size="2">You have an error in this sentence,
you should use it like this</font>
<br><font face="sans-serif" size="2">ALTER DATABASE </font><font face="Tahoma" size="2">DBIPRS</font><font face="sans-serif" size="2">
SET client_encoding=latin2;</font>
<br><font face="sans-serif" size="2">Regards</font>
<br><font face="sans-serif" size="2">Maher</font>
<table width="100%">
<tbody><tr valign="top">
</td><td><font face="sans-serif" size="1"><b>Ervin Ramonllari <ervin.ramonllari@hotmail.com></b></font>
<br><font face="sans-serif" size="1">Sent by: postgis-users-bounces@postgis.refractions.net</font>
<font face="sans-serif" size="1">07/21/2008 01:33 PM</font>
<br><font face="sans-serif" size="1">Please respond to PostGIS Users Discussion</font>
<BR></td><td><font face="Arial" size="1"> </font>
<br><font face="sans-serif" size="1"> To:
PostGIS Users Discussion <postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net></font>
<br><font face="sans-serif" size="1"> cc:
<br><font face="sans-serif" size="1"> Subject:
RE: [postgis-users] Postgis to ESRI
shape file encoding problem</font></td></tr></tbody></table>
<br><font face="Tahoma" size="2">I tried this way :<br>
but i got the error:<br>
<br><font face="Tahoma" size="2">ERROR: unrecognized configuration parameter
SQL state: 42704<br>
<hr><font face="Tahoma" size="2">> Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 14:37:37 +0200<br>
> From: sdteffen@gmail.com<br>
> To: postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net<br>
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Postgis to ESRI shape file encoding problem<br>
> <br>
> You can also try to set the environment variable PGCLIENTENCODING
to the<br>
> encoding value you need (e.g. LATIN2).<br>
> <br>
> Steffen<br>
> <br>
> >> I'm trying to export some data from a Postgresql database
encoded in UTF-8<br>
> >> into some ESRI shape files.<br>
> >> I'm using PostGIS Dumper (pgsql2shp).<br>
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> postgis-users mailing list<br>
> postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net<br>
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