<div dir="ltr">To transform coordinates in PostGis I use the followed function:<br><br>UPDATE <table> SET <new_geometry_column> = transform(<original_geometry_column>,<new_SRID>);<br><br>I have been having a weird problem when I try to transform coordinates that are in a SRID=22523. <br>
Ex: I have to transform them to a SRID=4326<br>
<br>UPDATE coordsformiga SET coord_4326 = transform(coord_22523,4326);<br><br>where coordsformiga is the table,<br> coord_22523 is the original geometry column with the coordinates in a SRID=22523<br> coord_4326 I'd be the geometry column with the coordinates transformed in a SRID=4326<br>
<br>the problem is:<br>After the function, in the geometry column (coord_4326), all of the 97 coordinates have the same values.<br>But it's happening only with a SRID=22523.<br><br>Anybody knows what is happening??<br>