.hmmessage P
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Hello list!<BR>
I've some troubles installing postgis in a solaris 9 system with postgres.<BR>
When I execute ./configure in the directory of postgis-1.3.3, I recive the following error:<BR>
ld.so.1: pg_config: fatal: libc.so.1: version `SUNW_1.22' not found (required by file /usr/postgres/8.3-community/bin/pg_config)<BR>ld.so.1: pg_config: fatal: libc.so.1: open failed: No such file or directory<BR><BR>
I tried to find that library, but I'm desolated becouse I havn't found it.<BR>
Anybody knows what's the solution to resolve that trouble?<BR>
Thanks a lot! (And sorry for my English).<BR><br /><hr />¡Trónchate de risa con los mejores capítulos de South Park en <a href='http://video.msn.com/?mkt=es-es&vid=42a9e969-45ad-4c31-bff9-57629e71fac8&playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:e1daa69b-331b-4e99-8325-c936aaee9f97%2Cad4cb47a-90a8-4b2c-88da-116d2059f4a2%2Cddaade1e-82b2-4914-8277-35e45198f5c6%2C42860247-e337-4384-94d8-fa444cb4aea7&from=hotmail&tab=s1207179071824' target='_new'>MSN Vídeo!</a></body>