Hello All,<br><br>I'm new to postgis and need help with (what seems to be a simple) query. <br><br>I have 2 geology maps that overlap at a corner:<br><br>----------------------------<br>| |<br>
| |<br>| ---------|--------------<br>| | | |<br>---------------------------- |<br> | |<br> -----------------------<br>
<br>Below is the query that I used to do the job, but it takes a long time to finish. Any suggestions on improving it?<br><br>Thanks in advance!<br><br>Bob<br><br>SELECT <br> ST_Intersection(GeoB.the_geom,GeoQ.the_geom) as intersect_geom,<br>
GeoB.*,<br> GeoQ.*<br>FROM<br> sj_100k_geopy as GeoB,<br> sf_quat_geopy as GeoQ<br>WHERE<br> ST_Intersects(GeoB.the_geom,GeoQ.the_geom)<br>AND<br> GeoB.ptype not in ('Qls','Qls?')<br>AND<br> GeoQ.ptype not in ('br','br?')<br>