Hi!<br>First of all, sorry about my english, is not very welll...<br><br>Well... someone can tell me if I can use the postgis functions (buffer, crosses, etc etc...) from a form in access or open office database via ODBC?<br>
<br>The question is that Ihave an spatial database created with lines, polygons, etc. And I have a lot of spatial queries. There is no problem when I run them in pgadmin. But what I want is make an easy form in order that other people can connect with the server via ODB, and run the spatial queries.<br>
When I try to make simple queries (select from tables, etc) its all OK, but when I type compley queries in access, it tells me that the functions are not available.<br><br>Some body knows if can I make spatial queries in a form?<br>
I don't mind if is in access, open office, or other. I accept suggestions.<br><br>Thanks a lot!<br><br>Pablo<br>