Hi,<br>Regina<br><br>thx for hints.<br><br>I think you have right.<br><br>Is better to install on different databases.<br>And I move definitively on this choice.<br><br>Only a last question<br>As you know is possible from inside a session on a database to read <br>
geometry data on another table on another database (same postgres instance of course).<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Andrea.<br><br>>In theory you can but you shouldn't. It would get very confusing and you<br>>would quickly loose your sanity as you would have to schema qualify each<br>
>postgis function, geometry type etc and it wouldn't work with any third<br>>party tools correctly because they most likely will not schema qualify. I<br>>would avoid it.<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>-----------------<br>
Andrea Peri<br>. . . . . . . . . <br>qwerty אטלעש<br>-----------------<br><br>