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Hi everyone, first e-mail here.<br>I´m trying to insert a new point to a simple table called processos in a postgis database, using php, in a local server, with apache 2.2, php 5.2.12, postgre 8.3 and postgis 1.4.<br><br>here is the piece of code:<br><br>$sql = "INSERT INTO processos (id, the_geom) VALUES (1,(ST_PointFromText('POINT(-2 -62)',4291)))";<br>pg_query($con, $sql);<br><br><br><br><br>I can observe (with pg_affected_rows) there´s no new record.<br><br>Executing the same query directly in pgsql, with the same database user, returns a successfully result. <br><br>Any ideas on what´s wrong? I had never done any queries using php before, is there a way to see an error message when executing this kind of server-side request? tried firebug console but there´s nothing going on there...<br><br>Thanks a lot!<br><br>André Mendonça<br>Universidade Federal do Paraná<br>Curitiba - BR<br><br><br> <br /><hr />Com o Novo Internet Explorer 8 suas abas se organizam por cor. <a href='http://brasil.microsoft.com.br/IE8/mergulhe/?utm_source=MSN%3BHotmail&utm_medium=Tagline&utm_campaign=IE8' target='_new'>Baixe agora, é grátis!</a></body>