<div>Hi,<br></div><div></div><div>I just tried to create a mutlilinestring out of a set of linestrings via </div><div></div><div>SELECT AsText( ST_UNION(linestring) )<br><br>FROM ways w, way_tags wt WHERE <a href="http://w.id">w.id</a>=wt.way_id <br>
AND wt.v='Dörnter Weg'<br><br></div><div>(it lies in Osnabrück, lower saxony)</div><div></div><div>but I'm getting this strange error: </div><div></div><div>HINWEIS: IllegalArgumentException: point array must contain 0 or >1 elements<br>
<br><br>FEHLER: Exception in LWGEOM2GEOS<br><br>********** Fehler **********<br><br>FEHLER: Exception in LWGEOM2GEOS<br>SQL Status:XX000<br><br><br></div><div>Replacing wt.v='Dörnter Weg' with wt.v='Some other Streets' it works properly. </div>
<div>So it is because of this street 'Dörnter Weg' (i got a few other ones of this kind in my database). </div><div>Anybody can tell me why these sort of ways leads to a problem?</div><div></div><div></div><div>thank you</div>
<div>kind regards</div><div>mehmet sirin</div>