<meta name="GENERATOR" content="MSHTML 8.00.6001.18854"></meta>
<body>Yes, sorry, I see I missunderstood you in my last answer.
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">I was confused, because:</div>
<div align="left">Is the area-solution working at all. If there is many overlapping bbox-polygons in the table isn't that going to give a too big area. If I'm not still on wrong trac I guess you can easily get negative answers from your query.</div>
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">and Martin, why is difference better here than CoveredBy or something like that to compare your unioned box with the query-polygon. Is difference a faster solution?</div>
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">/Nicklas<br />
<br />
2010-01-18 Martin Davis wrote:<br />
<br />
The way I'd look at doing this is:<br />
><br />
>- find all bounding boxes which intersect the query polygon<br />
>- union the boxes<br />
>- compute the difference between the box union and the query poly<br />
>- If the difference is non-empty, the boxes do not cover the polygon.<br />
><br />
>This should be a bit more accurate than simply using the areas. It could <br />
>be more performance as well, given the new fast-union functions.<br />
><br />
>Nicolas Gillet - MARKET-IP wrote:<br />
>><br />
>> Hello,<br />
>><br />
>> I am looking for some help in optimizing a query.<br />
>><br />
>> I have a table with bounding boxes and sometimes I need to find if a <br />
>> new given polygon can be fully covered by existing bounding boxes of <br />
>> my table.<br />
>><br />
>> Right now I can find it out by summing the areas of intersections <br />
>> between my polygon and those in my table and comparing this computed <br />
>> area with my polygon area.<br />
>><br />
>> Here’s the query :<br />
>><br />
>> SELECT ST_area(ST_GeometryFromText('POLYGON((-1 0, -1 1, 1 1, 1 0, -1 <br />
>> 0))', 4326) ) -<br />
>><br />
>> (SELECT SUM(st_area(st_intersection(the_geom, <br />
>> ST_GeometryFromText('POLYGON((-1 0, -1 1, 1 1, 1 0, -1 0))', 4326) ) ))<br />
>><br />
>> FROM tests WHERE the_geom && ST_GeometryFromText('POLYGON((-1 0, -1 1, <br />
>> 1 1, 1 0, -1 0))', 4326) )<br />
>><br />
>> => if query returns 0 then my polygon can be fully covered if != 0 <br />
>> then it can’t.<br />
>><br />
>> But I was wondering if there couldn’t be an easier way to do this.<br />
>><br />
>> Thank you.<br />
>><br />
>> Nicolas.<br />
>><br />
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />
>><br />
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><br />
>-- <br />
>Martin Davis<br />
>Senior Technical Architect<br />
>Refractions Research, Inc.<br />
>(250) 383-3022<br />
><br />
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