Hello all,<br> I have followed the following steps to import TIGER shapefile to PostGIS . I got the following output and errors.<br><br>shreerang@ubuntu:~/Shapefiles/<div id=":xy" class="ii gt">06001_Alameda_County/tl_2008_06001_arealm$ shp2pgsql -s 4326 -I -S tl_2008_06001_arealm.shp public.test_db > tl_2008_06001_arealm.sql<br>
Shapefile type: Polygon<br>Postgis type: POLYGON[2]<br><br>shreerang@ubuntu:~/Shapefiles/06001_Alameda_County/tl_2008_06001_arealm$ psql -d test_db -U postgres -f import.sql<br>psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"<br>
<br><br>Now, I followed the following procedure. I wish to know if it is right or wrong.<br><br>The first command is as it is....<br>For the next one,<br><br>shreerang@ubuntu:~/Shapefiles/06001_Alameda_County/tl_2008_06001_arealm$ sudo su postgres<br>
[sudo] password for shreerang: <br>$ psql -U postgres<br>could not change directory to "/home/shreerang/Shapefiles/06001_Alameda_County/tl_2008_06001_arealm"<br>Welcome to psql 8.3.9, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.<br>
<br>Type: \copyright for distribution terms<br> \h for help with SQL commands<br> \? for help with psql commands<br> \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query<br> \q to quit<br><br>postgres=# psql -d test_db -U postgres -f import.sql<br>
<br>Is this right?<br>And what should the output look like if this is right?...<br>
<br>Need help!!!<br><br><br>Thanx,<br><font color="#888888">Shreerang.</font></div>