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<div align="left">Hallo</div>
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<div align="left">If I understand you right you have multipolygons representing countries that you want splitted to single polygons.</div>
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<div align="left">That is no problem but they will not fit in the same table since you will get additional rows.</div>
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<div align="left">If you want to make a new table with this country polygons as single polygons you can do</div>
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">create table single_polygon_countries as</div>
<div align="left">select (ST_Dump(the_geom)).geom as the_geom, countryID from original_country_table;</div>
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">I put countryID there, just to illustrate that you probably want to bring some id or name to the new table. That will be repeated for all single polygons from original multi polygon</div>
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<div align="left">Hope that helps</div>
<div align="left">Nicklas</div>
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2010-02-01 Marko Čubranić wrote:<br />
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Dear colleagues,<br />
><br />
>if i have x Mpolygons in table (country) and i want to brake each of them in polygons, and put polygons in new columns, how should i do that?..<br />
><br />
>thank you<br />
><br />
>Marko Cubranic<br />