Hello List<br><br><br>QGis used to deal only with integer (INT4) primary keys (QGis 1.2 PostgreSQL/Postgis 8.2).<br><br>Do you know if it is still the case (QGis 1.4)?<br><br>It is annoying for us that QGis can't use existing character primary key...<br>
We have to add an artificial integer primary key and transform the existing character primary key as a unique non null constraint.<br><br>This change is ok if you only use QGis.<br>But if the data are used by an other soft that was used do deal with this character primary key, this cause an interoperability problem.<br>
<br>Does QGis still only deal with INT4 primary key?<br>If the response is yes, is this expected to change in a further version?<br><br>Thanks<br><br>Fabrice<br><br><br><br><br>