Postgres Test Fest April 03-05 results by dbb (Brian Hamlin) Postgres 9a5 PostGIS trunk (2) * build and install postgres * build and install postgis * regress tests on PostGIS... somehow stuck when running, so instead a simple shell script cd postgis_trunk/regress for n in *sql; do psql -f $n; done all worked but 5, for cause.. looks good * pgbench as per wiki suggestions, including prepared transactions * osm2pgsql on netherlands.osm dump load as db 'gis' * ogr2ogr -f KML t.kml 'PG:dbname=gis host=localhost port=5840' planet_osm_point good, 400k point placemarks * convert to geography create table po_line_r_geog as select osm_id, name, religion, st_geogfromtext(st_astext(way)) as the_geog from planet_osm_line where religion is not null; create table po_point_r_geog as select osm_id, name, religion, st_geogfromtext(st_astext(way)) as the_geog from planet_osm_point where religion is not null; create table po_poly_r_geog as select osm_id, name, religion, st_geogfromtext(st_astext(way)) as the_geog from planet_osm_polygon where religion is not null; * is it there? working ? ogrinfo 'PG:dbname=gis host=localhost port=5840' po_point_r_geog ogrinfo 'PG:dbname=gis host=localhost port=5840' po_line_r_geog ogrinfo 'PG:dbname=gis host=localhost port=5840' po_poly_r_geog * some geography 'SRID=4326;POINT(6.896389 52.22)' -- twente -- dwithin select name from planet_osm_point where st_dwithin( way, 'SRID=4326;POINT(6.896389 52.22)', 1000 ); select name from po_point_r_geog where st_dwithin( the_geog, 'SRID=4326;POINT(6.896389 52.22)', 1000 ); -- distance select name, st_distance( the_geog, 'SRID=4326;POINT(6.896389 52.22)' ) as dist from po_point_r_geog order by dist; 4657 results, one for each entry.. matches select name, st_distance( the_geog, 'SRID=4326;POINT(6.896389 52.22)' ) as dist from po_poly_r_geog order by dist; -- matches select name, st_distance( the_geog, 'SRID=4326;POINT(6.896389 52.22)' ) as dist from po_line_r_geog order by dist; -- matches -- intersects select pt.osm_id,, poly.osm_id, from po_point_r_geog pt, po_poly_r_geog poly where st_intersects( pt.the_geog, poly.the_geog ); many points are also represented as polys seperately.. easy to see many matches == overall, no bugs to report -bh