<pre>>Hi,<br>><br>>Polygon orientation is not important with respect to OGC<br>>specifications and does not define an invalid polygon.<br>>That's why st_isvalid() returns true in Postgis.<br>>You can, however, force polygon orientation using the st_forceRHR()<br>
>function (<a href="http://postgis.refractions.net/docs/ST_ForceRHR.html">http://postgis.refractions.net/docs/ST_ForceRHR.html</a>).<br>><br>>Nicolas<br></pre><br>Thx for clear response.<br><br>But I like to understand better why this strategy.<br>
<br>When load from a shapefile with shp2pgsql the source of data is a shapefile with follow the ESRI specifics, and it is not an OGC source.<br>So the meaning of the geometry in the shapefile must following the specific of the esri document.<br>
<br>This mean that a geometry counter-clockwise is a hole, or is a mistake.<br>If it is a hole then if the goal is to load exactly what there is in the shapefile is needed to load the hole :).<br>If it is a mistake then is needed report the mistake and not load that geometry.<br>
I prefer the first choice of course, but I'm not sure to understand why load something else that is changed from the original is better.<br><br>-- <br>-----------------<br>Andrea Peri<br>. . . . . . . . . <br>qwerty אטלעש<br>