<br clear="all"><pre>>I don't quite understand your example :<br>><br>>"if the field numeric in the shapefile instead of be fill with numbers was filled with '1', '2', '3', etc...<br>
>where the number are however not really numbers but text based, an action of importing always 0.<br><br>>Will be more confusing. The user don't understand why a number (or simil-number) became a '0'."<br>
><br>>In the DBF file itself, there is no difference between a 'text-based number' and normal numbers. Whether I declare the column as numeric or text, the data for the number one (1) will look the same. That will never be an issue.<br>
<br><br>Hi,<br><br>Unfortunately some difference in the declaration there are.<br><br>the dbf specific are bit old-style and so are no fully coherent.<br><br>See-ing the specific for the DBF III version ( <a href="http://www.wotsit.org/download.asp?f=dbase&sc=335163169" target="_blank">http://www.wotsit.org/download.asp?f=dbase&sc=335163169</a> )<br>
<br><br>The char fields must contains always a set of chars filled with spaces. Not \0 termined.<br><br>Unfortunately a quite famous tools of that time (clipper) redefine the db3 format (called xbase format) with a their version using the \0 to terminate the<br>
<br>strings. (I think - to avoid the copyright put on the db3 format from original owner ashton-tate)<br><br>So now there are tools that use the \0 terminate strings and tools that use the space-fill for the text fields.<br>
<br><br>Instead for a numeric field nothing is say about how it must be filled because it is assume is always filled with digits.<br><br>But if you put a text based value "27.57" in a numeric field of 18 digit.<br>
<br>You can have many ambiguos situations<br><br><br>For a 10.5 numeric field , I think the right version will be this<br>"0027.57000" <br><br>or<br><br>"000027" (i think but I'm not sure) for a numeric 6.0 field<br>
<br>so no space based and no \0 terminated because nothing is say about this in db3 format.<br><br><br>instead if it is text based it can be for example:<br><br>"27.57\0" and the remainis are spurious digits -> "27.57\0123"<br>
or <br>"27.57" + "some spurious values" -> "27.57436x6"<br><br><br>or for the 6.0 numeric field<br><br>"27****" or "27\0**"<br><br>Another situation where the interpretation is really impossibile is the Logical Field.<br>
<br>In the db3 format It is define exactly with 1 chars using one of this: (YyNnTtFf space)<br><br></pre>But if I find a 'S' char value in a logical field of a db3.<br><br>I cannot decide if it is a true of false value.<br>
So use a default to a False or True value is always an opinion.<br><br>Andrea.<br><br>-- <br>-----------------<br>Andrea Peri<br>. . . . . . . . . <br>qwerty אטלעש<br>-----------------<br><br>