Hello,<div><br></div><div>I'm building a google maps application, and I need to do some</div><div>calculation with polygons. I have several points in cartesian system (lat/lng)</div><div>that I use to create the polygons. I need to remove some of this points, </div>
<div>because they are irrelevants (i.e. are too close to each other, or is a point</div><div>in the middle of a line, so it could be removed for sure) and are consuming</div><div>memory vainly.</div><div>So, the logic that I thinked was to get three of the points of the polygon,</div>
<div>and taking the middle point as the origin point, and the two others to</div><div>make the lines, and then calc the angle between this two lines. if it is close to 180 degrees,</div><div>i can remove the middle point. And so I would do this sequentially.</div>
<div><br></div><div>I couldn't find a postgis function that can return me the angle between two lines,</div><div>so any suggestions???</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Thank you all</div>