<meta name="GENERATOR" content="MSHTML 8.00.6001.18939"></meta>
<body>I think it looks like a job for mapserver to produce the images.
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<div align="left">then you can decide both output extent on the fly and decide the input extent by a query or a bounding box or whatever.<br />
<div align="left">but that will just give you images. How to make the layout I don't know.</div>
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<div align="left">/Nicklas</div>
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<div align="left">2010-09-23 John Poole wrote:<br />
<br />
I'm preparing walk lists for a campaign which contains a table of<br />
>addresses, about 35 to a page on 8.5" x 11" paper. I have the<br />
>addresses tied into a postgis database with roads and assessor's<br />
>parcels, so for a given page, I can get a handle on the IDs of the<br />
>associated shapes.<br />
><br />
>What I'm wondering is would it be possible to generate a map in SVG or<br />
>PNG/TIFF that would measure 8" x 10.5" and be zoomed to a level that<br />
>would just include the most opposite parcels. I gather I could define<br />
>a shape that is all inclusive of the list of shapes for a particular<br />
>page, but can I then take the coordinates or whatever information<br />
>derived and submit it to a renderer which then creates a zoomed image<br />
>of defined dpi (if PNG or TIFF) that would be a representation of a<br />
>view of all parcels.<br />
><br />
>For example, I have a list of addresses, being 35 representing 3 1/2<br />
>city blocks:<br />
> 200 Main Street<br />
> 204 " "<br />
> ...<br />
> 535 " "<br />
><br />
>All of the above addresses tie into specific shape IDs in postgis.<br />
><br />
>I'd like to have a map which would then display a zoomed level so that<br />
>the parcel of 200 is leftmost and parcel 535 is rightmost of the<br />
>image. This map would be generated on the fly without human<br />
>intervention, in other words generated by script.<br />
><br />
>I'm getting my feet wet with various renderers, but have not seen any<br />
>that might be manipulated or controlled programmatically so that mapes<br />
>could be generated by scripting.<br />
><br />
>What I am envisioning is having a map of the parcels on the back side<br />
>of a previous page representing an view of the current page. So, if<br />
>page three (3) contains the above addresses, the back side of page two<br />
>(2)would have the map showing all parcels tied to the addresses of<br />
>page three. That way someone looking at the list on page three could<br />
>hold up the back side of page 2 in a binder and view a map zoomed to<br />
>the right level containing all the parcels referenced on page three.<br />
> I'd prefer to use my own data from postgis, I think this kind of<br />
>generation would be possible with the Google maps API and possibly<br />
>creating a container shape that bounds all the shapes from the list.<br />
><br />
>It would be helpful to learn of any renderers, especially ones that<br />
>expose an application interface.<br />
><br />
>(Hmmm.. now I'm thinking I could generate a large image file of<br />
>certain sectors and if I could tie the pixels, I could use ImageMagick<br />
>to slice and dice what I need.)<br />
><br />
>Any rate, this is a wild inquiry which might garner some attention and<br />
>generate some responses about renderers, especially ones with exposed<br />
>APIs so they can be manipulated programmatically.<br />
><br />
>-- <br />
>John L. Poole<br />
><br />
>P.O. Box 6566<br />
>Napa, CA 94581-6566<br />
>707-812-1323<br />
><br />
>jlpoole56@gmail.com<br />
>_______________________________________________<br />
>postgis-users mailing list<br />
>postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net<br />
>http://postgis.refractions.net/mailman/listinfo/postgis-users<br />
><br />
> </div>