I try to execute the basic functionalities of GIS (union, sym_difference, buffer, intersect...) with PostGIS 1.5, but i encounter some problems.<br>I create a new table to store results of overlay analysis, and i observe that every entity of new thematic layer is triplicate!!<br>
Specifically, i want to union two layers which include 15 and 3 entities respectively, and i use the following command:<br>
CREATE TABLE tablename AS<br>
SELECT ST_UNION (a.the_geom, b.the_geom)<br>
FROM table1 AS a, table2 AS b ;<br>and i note that the above SQL query relate each entity from one layer with each entity from other, like a cross join!!!<br>What happened??<br>Also, i find that the new thematic layer isn't add to the table "geometry_columns"!!!Why??<br>