hello <br>i have this new error after add a new table in my postgis database <br><br>i try this : SELECT st_find_extent('Courly4326','geometry')<br><br>but it is warn and if i try in pgadmin III i can read this <br>
<br>ERREUR: la relation « Courly4326 » n'existe pas<br>LIGNE 1 : SELECT extent("geometry") FROM "Courly4326"<br><br>REQUÊTE : SELECT extent("geometry") FROM "Courly4326"<br>CONTEXTE : PL/pgSQL function "st_find_extent" line 7 at FOR sur une instruction EXECUTE<br>
<br>does it mean my table Courly4326 not seeing by postgresql ? <br><br>i try with an other table where it was working before and it is broken now with same error <br>and i don't understand why <br>