<br><tt><font size=2>postgis-users-bounces@postgis.refractions.net wrote
on 06/07/2011 08:15:43 PM:<br>
> The first step is a <br>
> >"global" (image-wide) analysis. It was very slow when
I tried it. <br>
> What if you tiled your landsat in smaller tiles (100x100)?<br>
> <br>
<br><tt><font size=2>I didn't get past the global analysis. On my little
tutorial thing, the step that took 8 hours before I killed it was: </font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=3>DATABASE=> CREATE TABLE tmp_burned AS <br>
DATABASE-> SELECT gid, ST_Collect(ST_Intersection(polygon, utm_geom))
as tmp_burned<br>
DATABASE-> FROM nbr_polygons, modis<br>
DATABASE-> WHERE ST_Intersects(polygon, utm_geom) <br>
DATABASE-> GROUP BY gid ; <br>
<br><tt><font size=2>This is under "Calculate burned area in polygon
coverage" on: </font></tt><a href=https://collab.firelab.org/software/projects/modisfire/wiki/Calculating_histograms_with_PostGIS_Raster><tt><font size=2>https://collab.firelab.org/software/projects/modisfire/wiki/Calculating_histograms_with_PostGIS_Raster</font></tt></a>
<br><tt><font size=2>Bryce</font></tt>