<div>Hello,<br> <br>I am trying to write down an interface definition document between two systems. One of the systems is using PostGIS for GIS related functions and generates geometry information in EWKB format. I am looking for a EWKB specif'cation document, which defines the format of EWKB. I can only find following information <br>
<a href="http://www.postgis.org/documentation/manual-svn/using_postgis_dbmanagement.html#EWKB_EWKT">http://www.postgis.org/documentation/manual-svn/using_postgis_dbmanagement.html#EWKB_EWKT</a> or <br><a href="http://www.postgis.org/documentation/manual-1.5/ch04.html#EWKB_EWKT">http://www.postgis.org/documentation/manual-1.5/ch04.html#EWKB_EWKT</a> , which seems outdated to me. <br>
OGC Simple Feature Access version 1.2.0 dated : 2006-10-05 and version 1.2.1 dated : 2011-05-28 supports Z, M and ZM, and many geometry types had been included, however OGC still does not support SRID as an attribute to geometry. Furthermore EWKB and WKB 1.2.0 interprets Z, M and ZM geometries differently. In WKB 1.2.0 PointZ interger code is 1001 whereas in EWKB it is 0x800000001.<br>
<br>In short<br>Is there a document that defines to EWKB format as similar to OGC document?<br>Is there any plans to redefine EWKB as an extension to WKB 1.2.0 in maybe PostGIS 2.0?<br></div>
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<div>Mert Erkan Elalmis</div>