Dear all, <div><br></div><div>I have a general question concerning postgis/postgresql access as apache user(www-data). </div><div><br></div><div>Within a pywps script I want to access to postgresql database using Grass gis and I receive an error message: </div>
<div>"<i>ERROR 1: PostgreSQL ddriver doesn't currently support database creation.</i>"</div><div>I have already verified the correctness of the command running it from normal unix user and I think the problem is a misconfiguration of postgis/postgresql. </div>
<div>I have already modified the postgresql.conf file with the line:<i> listen_address = '*' </i></div><div>and the pg_hba.conf file. Nevertheless I didn't obtain any appreciable result. I don't understand what is the problem.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Thanks in advanced for the attention and best regards, </div><div>Roberto </div>