<pre>>If some edge change the id this is no problem and then you can insert a
>T5 or T6 topogeometries with totopogeom that are different from the
>original ones and totopogeom will recreate the primitives. Then the user
>does not have to know about primitive commands as: ST_RemEdgeModFAce, etc.
<br>Hi,<br></pre>the issue is that the totopogeo probably will re-create the edge (ex e19) that I will have just removed.<br><br><pre>>Dont take my opinion if a so serious way because Im just starting with
>persistent topology though.
</pre>Sorry if I'm seem so serious.<br><br>-- <br>-----------------<br>Andrea Peri<br>. . . . . . . . . <br>qwerty אטלעש<br>-----------------<br><br>