hello all,<br><br>I am very new to all this Geo-spatial world. I am using map server to display my maps in browser. I am also using Postgres and PostGIS raster to store my tiff images in database. now I need to configure mapserver map file to display this tiff file which is stored in database. I googled a lot and found this technique which is not working for me i.e. my raster image does not show up while using GetMap.<br>
<br>I created my raster using following command<br>raster2pgsql -s 4326 -I -C -M my.tif -F -t 100x100 public.asdf > elev.sql<br><br>than I imported this sql file into my PostGIS database using postgres PG Admin 3.<br><br>
My map file layer config is as follows:<br>LAYER <br> METADATA<br> "wms_title" "rasterlayer" ##required<br> END<br> NAME rasterlayer<br> CONNECTIONTYPE postgis<br> <br>
DATA "PG:host=localhost port:5432 dbname='postgis' user='postgres' password='something' schema='public' table='asdf mode='2''" <br> PROCESSING "NODATA=0"<br>
PROCESSING "SCALE=AUTO"<br> <br> STATUS ON<br> TYPE RASTER<br> PROCESSING "BANDS=1,2,3"<br> OFFSITE 71 74 65<br>END<br><br>I found this in postGIS documentation.<br>
this return me a empty image in browser.<br>Plz help !!<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Thanks & Regards,<br>Abhishek Bansal<br><a href="http://abhishekbansal.miyuri.com" target="_blank">http://abhishekbansal.miyuri.com</a><br>
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida<br><br><br>