I am trying to install PostGIS on Postgresql 9.1 using the Stackbuilder program. Postgresql 9.1 was installed using the 1 click installer from EnterpriseDB.<br><br>Postgres installed completely, so I initiated the install for PostGIS. I selected PostGIS 2.0, entered my password for the "postgres" user at the prompt and started the install.<br>
<br>The install made it almost to the end, and failed with the following error: createdb: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"<br><br>I was concerned that I entered the wrong password at the prompt, so I opened up pgAdmin III to test. I was able to log in using the "postgres" user name and the password with no issues.<br>
<br>I then tried to install PostGIS 1.5.3, with the same password fail result.<br><br>Can anyone give me some insight into what I am doing wrong? I am installing onto a server with Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2.<br>