Hi All,<br>I am building a linestring comprising of nearly 1000 points, now I want to pick every 10th point and reduce this to a linestring of 100 points!<br>I will use ST_linesimplify for this, but now I am wondering if there is a measure that shows me the "difference" between the two linestrings.<br>
Some measure like the "sum of squared errors"... I want to know what I lose in accuracy by discarding all these points and simplifying my <br>line segment. So if my line strings have (x,y) points in them, I would like to know the differences in "y" basically.<br>
Any ideas for a different kind of measure would be great too. I was initially thinking of measuring the distance between each point in the <br>original linestring (1000 points) against the new simplified linestring and adding their squares... would that work? Just wondering if <br>
there is a nicer, easier way to do this in Postgis?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Ed<br>