<pre>><i> For my import I will update the pointers of edges my own, could you
</i>><i> Sandro point me to
</i>><i> specifications of next_*_edge.</i></pre><br>I guess shoulkd better spend time to optimize the actual ISO function rather than think to do own low level function.<br><br>The controls to do a right ISO topology are many and skipping them to have fast load mean to have a not really topological <br>
dataset.<br>Also there is never in the topology table to maintain really the topology.<br><br>The correctness of topology is all on the ISO functions.<br><br clear="all">Another point is that often 8really often I guess) the user think to have a set topological.<br>
But instead it is not so.<br><br>As example.<br>The only product I know capable to produce a really topological set<br>is arcinfo -workstation version (with coverages) or oracle with topology model.<br><br>No other product is capable of this.<br>
<br>please note che rules of arcgis don't work on coverages so they don't grant toe really topology face-edge-node.<br><br>So If an user write own function to load the postgis topology tables.<br>And it's dataset is not really topology and it write more fast routine skipping some complex controls to be faster.<br>
It will produce simply some tables anemd topolgycal but not really topologicals.<br><br>And so grows the caos.<br><br>So who like write a truly topological load system should get and follow the ISO specs.<br>The actually version of postgis topology is write followinfg the ISO specs row by row.<br>
<br>Regards,<br><br><br>-- <br>-----------------<br>Andrea Peri<br>. . . . . . . . . <br>qwerty אטלעש<br>-----------------<br><br>