Hi Paul <br><br>Thanks very much for your responses<br><br>A few questions. <br><br>With the difference in the first two plans if your saying it might be the autovacuumer messing it up would it be worth changing some of the default settings to make it more or less regular etc or is it just delaying the inevitable do you think? Also is it worth adding additional statistics on the columns in question to try and get the planner to behave more as expected.<br>
<br>Ok that’s interesting is kinda what I thought the case was. Unfortunately don't have the budget to fund anything at the moment, but this is a very big and on going project so might be potential in the future. <br>
In the meanwhile is there anything you could suggest that I could do to find out more about why the planner is making those decisions. Or is that way above a user level and more a case of a developer looking at the underlying code?<br>
<br>These other tickets you mention that may have a similar problem could you point me in the direction of them I'd be very interested to have a read.<br><br>Will reply to your response on gis.stackexchange on there shortly. <br>
<br>Many thanks again for your input it is very much appreciated,<br><br>Mark<br>