Hello everybody!!<br><br>I spent two days to convert a .tif file to Postgis table. I used <b>raster2pgsql</b> and the resulted was a table with three columns like that: <b>rid, rast, filename</b>. My goal is to work with gvSIG desktop, so I tried to share my converted raster but I observed that my new postgis raster <b>has not a geometry column</b>, so I can not share my postigs raster into gvSIG.<br>
<br>Someone know how can I resolve this matter? I tried 'SELECT rid, rast::geometry FROM mytable', but I got no results (<span id="result_box" class="short_text" lang="en"><span class="hps">I kept</span> <span class="hps">having the same problem</span><span class=""></span></span>).<br>
<br>Thanks for your responses.<br><br>Jose.<br>