Hello, <br><br> I have just started reading through the book PostGIS In Action in an attempt to learn Postgis, but have encountered a problem right at the start. After creating a spatially enabled database, the text asks me to run the following sql: <br>
<br>SELECT ST_Point(1, 2) AS MyFirstPoint;<br><br>The query ran successfully. If I understand correctly, that statement creates a point in the db. After installing QuantumGIS and accessing the database through it, I expected to be able to view the point, but I could not. I had a similar problem with another query in the same chapter that's supposed to generate a heart-shaped polygon: <br>
<br>SELECT ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(52 218, 139 82, 262 207, 245 261, 207 267, <br>153 207, 125 235, 90 270, 55 244, 51 219, 52 218)') AS HeartLine;<br><br>When I connect to the database through QGIS, I get the following log message: "Database connection was successful, but the accessible tables could not be determined." The only table that is listed as having geometry (table "raster_columns"
under schema "public") does not seem to contain the point. I cannot
even select the table to add a layer from it.<br><br>I've followed the instructions in chapter 12.3 for QGIS use and remain at a loss. Any idea where I'm going wrong?<br>