Hello everybody,<br><br>I'm trying to test the St_MapAlgebraExpr 2 raster version in order to multiply the values of a raster by the values of an other one.<br><br>Here is the request :<br><br>SELECT St_MapAlgebraExpr(a.rast,b.rast,'(a.rast*b.rast)::double precision','32BF','INTERSECTION','NULL','NULL',-1) As rast<br>
FROM sigma.mnt_5m_2941x6197 as a, sigma.affor_aligned2 as b WHERE St_Intersects(a.rast,b.rast);<br><br>Note that affor_aligned2 was a vector rasterized with St_AsRaster in the way that it's fit the alignment of mnt_5m_2941x6197.<br>
<br>However, the function above returns the following :<br><br>"Notice : The two rasters provided have no intersection. Returning no band raster"<br><br>I don't understand because when I look to the two raster in ArcGIS, there is no problem of srid. The two layers are well overlayed...<br>
<br> I don't understand what I did wrong. Any idea ?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Samy<br><br>