<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div>hello <br></div>i had a code that work before with postgresql-8.4-postgis (the both with postgis 1.5)<br><br></div>maybe is not the best way to do it :<br><br></div>in python i made <br>
<br>cursor=connection.cursor()<br> cursor.execute("SELECT st_find_extent(' " +f_table_name+ " ',' geometry ')")<br><br></div>to obtain the extend from table <br><br></div><div> right now is making this request <br>
<br>SELECT st_find_extent('grdLyon','geometry')<br></div><div>but this is not working in function there is " breaking things : <br><br>ERREUR: la relation « grdLyon » n'existe pas<br>LIGNE 1 : SELECT extent("geometry") FROM "grdLyon"<br>
<br>SELECT extent("geometry") FROM grdLyon seems to work in pgadmin3<br><br></div><div>does i do somthing wrong or i need to rewrite st_find_extend whitout " for tablename ? <br><br></div><div>thanks for you answers <br>
</div><div><br></div><div>T. <br></div></div>