<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div>Hi everybody,<br><br></div>I am trying to merge two linestring like in the following example:<br><br>select st_astext(st_linemerge(st_collect(ST_GeomFromEWKT('LINESTRING(5 5 5 5, 10 10 10 10)'),ST_GeomFromEWKT('LINESTRING(10 10 10 10 , 15 15 15 15)'))));<br>
<br><br></div>but the output is<br>"LINESTRING Z (5 5 5,10 10 10,15 15 15)"<br><br></div>that is, the 4th dimension is lost.<br><br></div>Can anyone please explain me the reason and how to overcome this problem?<br>
<br></div>Thanks and best regards<br><br></div>Paolo<br></div>