<div dir="ltr">Greetings,<br><br>I have been working with the st_split function and have been receiving strange results. Specifically, I have been using a polygon geometry to split a linestring geometry. After the split I have been using st_within to identify which of the resulting split linestring geometries are inside and which are outside. Sometimes the st_within results are as expected, other times, split linestring geometries that are clearly within the polygon feature (they were created using the polygon as the blade) are not identified as so. When checking in ArcGIS, the features that returned false using the st_within function in PostGIS (but by the nature of how they were created should be within the polygon) are being identified by ArcGIS as being within the polygon. Does anybody know why PostGIS' st_within is returning false with these features? Any workarounds? I am performing this analysis on a fairly large dataset. <br>
<br>Thanks in advance...<br clear="all"><div dir="ltr">Jeff<br></div><div>