<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<p>I have a topology built from two business tables containing
linestrings (pipes) and a table containing points (pits).<br>
<p>The business requirement means we need the topology to clean and
form common topological primitives for these lines and their
<p>The topology will never contain polygons (faces) - should I use
pgRouting instead?<br>
<p>While fairly static, both tables are subject to occasional DML. <br>
<p><b>Insert Trigger:</b></p>
<p>A before insert trigger (trigger function - tf) handles any
additions (uses toTopoGeom).<br>
<font face="monospace">DECLARE </font><font face="monospace"><font
face="monospace">-- pseudo code<br>
</font>v_layer_id integer := 1;<br>
v_geom geometry;<br>
v_topogeom topology.TopoGeometry;<br>
-- Create topology primitives for new linestring<br>
<b> v_topogeom := topology.toTopoGeom(NEW.path_line,'path',
v_layer_id, 0.1);</b><br>
-- The action of adding the linestring to the topology may
see it become slightly different from the original NEW.path_line<br>
<b> v_geom := v_topogeom::geometry;</b><b><br>
</b> -- Then conduct the insert to the business table<br>
INSERT <table> (geom,topogeom) VALUES
END IF;<br>
<p>QUESTION: If the new linestring that is added to the existing
topology causes an existing underlying edge to change (eg split),<br>
what happens to any other topogeom objects in the table that
reference the edge before it is changed? <br>
Should the affected topogeoms be found and updated to reflect any
splits to edges?<br>
<p>I am not sure what are the best topology methods to handle
updates and/or deletes.<br>
<p><b>Update Trigger.</b></p>
<p>Here I want to construct an UPDATE trigger (tf) to handle
situations where points are moved or linestrings are reshaped.</p>
<p>In both situations the existing topogeoms point to existing
topological primitives. To handle a change should I first delete
the existing topogeom using clearTopoGeom() which modifies the
underlying topology, and then use toTopoGeom to construct the new
topological primitives and the topogeom value?<br>
<font face="monospace">BEGIN -- pseudo code<br>
IF ( TG_OP = 'UPDATE' ) THEN<br>
-- clear any topology primitives the old topogeom uniquely
v_topogeom := topology.clearTopoGeom(OLD.topogeom);<br>
-- Construct new topology primitives for new linestring.<br>
v_topogeom := topology.toTopoGeom(NEW.path_line,'path',
v_layer_id, 0.1);<br>
</font><font face="monospace"><font face="monospace"><b> v_geom
:= v_topogeom::geometry;</b><b><br>
</b><b> </b></font> -- Then update the underlying topology<br>
UPDATE <</font><font face="monospace"><font
face="monospace">table</font>> SET topogeom = v_topogeom,
geom = v_geom WHERE id = OLD.id;<br>
END IF;<br>
<p><b>Delete Trigger</b></p>
<p>Here I want to construct an DELETE trigger (tf). Is this all I
need to do?</p>
<p><font face="monospace">BEGIN -- pseudo code<br>
IF ( TG_OP = 'DELETE' ) THEN<br>
-- Synchronize delete with underlying topology<br>
v_topogeom := topology.clearTopoGeom(NEW.topogeom);<br>
-- Then delete the record<br>
DELETE FROM <table> </font><font face="monospace"><font
face="monospace">WHERE id = OLD.id;</font> <br>
END IF;<br>
<p>Any help/pointers greatly appreciated.</p>
<p> </p>