[OSRS-PROJ] nad2nad question

Richards, Ryan RRichards at BENHAM.com
Tue Jan 30 07:10:09 PST 2001

I am trying to convert nad27 coord data to nad83. I am using the following
command syntax:

nad2nad -i 27,spcs=3501,feet -o 83,spcs=3501,feet -r conus - 2621567.0316

I get the following output:

-31615.53       30.06

I am confused about two things:

1) Is the syntax correct? (I am trying to convert State=Oklahoma
Region=North data)

2) All I have are two data files for oklahoma data: okhpgn.los and
okhpgn.las. Why are my files seperated into thes two types. Can I used these
types or do I need to a) convert them into one file as is the other state
files shipped with proj or b) can I use them as is?

NOTE: These oklahoma data files are located in the proj directory
(/usr/local/share/proj) with the other data files shipped.

Thanks for any help!

Ryan Richards 
Sr. Software Developer
Atkins Benham  
Office: (405) 478-5353 x.1316 
eFax  : (509) 271-5423
email : rrichards at atkinsbenham.com

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