[OSRS-PROJ] Datums supported by Proj.4

Jesus Angel del Pozo jpozdom at ribera.tel.uva.es
Mon Mar 31 12:10:02 PST 2003

Frank Warmerdam(warmerdam at pobox.com)@31.03.2003 13:49:50 -0500:
> I like to this of these more as examples than anything just now.  Since I
> don't have an obvious naming system to apply, and because for many datums
> folks have different wgs84 shift parameters they like to use depending on
> their area of work and so forth, I have avoided populating a large list
> of datums.  You can provide you own datum definition in a definition by
> supplying the +towgs84= parameter yourself (and the ellipsoid def).

Do you know if there are some list ready to use with Proj.4?
I have downloaded the EPSG database (Access) but maybe somebody already have
a list of datums ready to download :-)


 Jesús Ángel del Pozo Domínguez
 Valladolid                         __ô
 GnuPG key-id: 0x17FB6CCE         _ \<_
 http://www.tel.uva.es/~jpozdom  (_)/(_)
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