[OSRS-PROJ] epsg file out of date??

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Fri May 2 06:25:41 PDT 2003

Bud P. Bruegger wrote:
> I was looking for the towgs84 parameters for MonteMario and ED50 and
> was surprised that they are not listed in /usr/local/proj/epsg.
> but looking in the epsg file that comes with proj, the records of the
> equivalent numbers have the same name but lack the towgs84 data.  
> Does this mean that the epgs file that ships with proj4 is not
> up-to-date?  


The epsg file is derived from the EPSG database.  If a datum did not have
a shift to WGS84 available it is either because the EPSG database did not
have one, or it had more than one, or the datum shifting method available
in the EPSG database was not supported by PROJ.4.  I am not sure about the
datums you mention, but I suspect they have more than one shift value in
the EPSG database, making it hard for me to know which should be selected
... so I select none.

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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