[Proj] ITRF [Re: Google Earth Accuracy]

Tim Michelsen timmichelsen at gmx-topmail.de
Wed Dec 3 13:40:08 PST 2008


> ITRF was designed to be an ultraprecise reference frame for measuring 
> motions
> of the Earth as a whole, and of different parts relative to each other. 
> Since
> the frame is designed to be fixed relative to the velocities of all the
> tectonic plates, averaged over the whole Earth, any particular point will
> have time-varying coordinates in this frame--as is is in fact true for any
> frame not tied to a particular plate (WGS-84 included), though many 
> softwares
> do not take account of this. The people who develop and update ITRF are
> working at the millimeter level.
Would this mean that giving another person just the coordiantes recorded 
from such a IRTF enabled GPS is not sufficient to convert this to WGS84 
or any other projection?

I received some data in ITRF but wasn't able to transform it into WGS84, 
so far. Maybe you can direct my to some examples?

Kind regards,

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