[Proj] The world of ECEF aka geocentric coordinates

Clifford J Mugnier cjmce at lsu.edu
Tue Feb 3 08:43:00 PST 2009

Local Space Rectangular (LSR) is the approximately  60-70 year old terminology used in computational photogrammetry.  
Polyhedric (Polyeder in Dutch or German) is the 19th century terminology for the "projection."  (Also known as the "Tampico Datum" from the 1920s or 1930s.)
C. Mugnier


From: proj-bounces at lists.maptools.org on behalf of Karney, Charles
Sent: Tue 03-Feb-09 04:19
To: geraldi.evenden at gmail.com; PROJ.4 andgeneral Projections Discussions
Subject: Re: [Proj] The world of ECEF aka geocentric coordinates

While we're at it, what's the consensus for the terminology for the
Cartesian system with origin at z = 0 tangent to ellipsoid, z up, y
north?  Choices so far:

    local Cartesian

It seems that topocentric is the best, and this doesn't tie you down to
Cartesian coordinates.  Transforming to polar gives azimuth-elevation-

Charles Karney <ckarney at sarnoff.com>
Sarnoff Corporation, Princeton, NJ 08543-5300

URL: http://charles.karney.info <http://charles.karney.info/> 
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