[Proj] Updating latest Proj4 Lib Into Quatum GIS

Alexander Chong alexckp at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 6 03:57:16 PDT 2010

Hi Markus,

I'm using QGIS 1.0.2 LTS
Windows - Standalone version. I tried replacing the proj.dll file with the latest compiled version but it did not work. Fyi, I'm trying the use the recently patched omerc projection which now includes the gamma option. This option enables me to reproject the Borneo RSO coordinates correctly.

I understand that Postgis, Mapserver etc are all using proj4, do they automatically get updated in the latest build?

Alexander Chong

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 8:03 AM, Alexander Chong <alexckp at yahoo.com>
> Hi all,
> Is there a simple way to
 update QGis with the latest Proj4 lib? I'm hoping that I don't need to 
download the source codes
 and rebuild the program.

Hi, you didn't say for which operating 
system etc...

For example, on Linux you just replace the PROJ4 library. 
Depending on
your distribution, you may get the package already 

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