[Proj] rHEALPix bug & bug fix

Michael Speth spethm at landcareresearch.co.nz
Mon Jun 11 14:20:21 PDT 2012

   We have discovered a bug in the rHEALPix projection that causes lon/lat's in the polar regions to be incorrectly projected if the polar regions are shifted.  I have written detailed documentation on the bug, so please reference this for more information.  I have created a patch that fixes the bug as well as provides the test plan and supporting source.  I have also made available the binaries for running the tests for the HEALPix and rHEALPix projections (64-bit).  To test the bug, I've included the source to a standalone C application with an included script that should compile on a 32-bit or 64-bit system.

Patch: https://df.bestgrid.org/quickshare/cae33e5e7caf3955/combine_caps_bug-2012-06-06.patch
Bug Documentation: https://df.bestgrid.org/quickshare/5c677519931baa0e/SCENZ-CombineCaps-2012-06-07.pdf
Testing Documentation: https://df.bestgrid.org/quickshare/d6b285865b34db70/SCENZ-ProjectionTests-2012-06-07.pdf
Test Binaries: https://df.bestgrid.org/quickshare/7364e5e560b6d60d/jproj4-test.tar.bz2
Test Source: https://df.bestgrid.org/quickshare/3ad729a5bf29e17a/jproj4-test-src.tar.bz2

Please let me know if there are any questions or problems.  What is the process for adding bug fixes to the main line?

Michael Speth
Research Systems Developer
Landcare Research

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