[Proj] Testing of proj

Kristian Evers kreve at sdfe.dk
Thu Mar 8 03:44:13 PST 2018

Hi Kurt,

Very cool to increase the testing effort. Thanks!

Testing is still a bit of a mess, although with the gie test program we’ve come a long way.
There’s not much documentation on this yet (contributions welcome :-)). The best source
right now is the Travis setup I guess. See that for details. I’ll try to give a brief explanation
of what’s going on.

There’s tests in two places in the source tree at the moment. In nad/ and in test/. The tests
in nad/ are from way back when and are made up of a set of shell scripts that call cs2cs
and checks the results by diff’ing the output towards an existing “solution”. The other tests
in test/ are the new setup which eventually will be the main test setup I think. They only test
the new API though, so the old tests are the only place where cs2cs is properly tested.

I’d like to clean this stuff up a bit. I’ll try to find the time and energy to lay out a proper plan
for that effort.

You can run all tests with either `make check´ (autotools builds) or `ctest` (cmake builds).

I hope that is good enough for now. Suggestions on how and where to document this stuff
are welcome.


Fra: proj-bounces at lists.maptools.org [mailto:proj-bounces at lists.maptools.org] På vegne af Kurt Schwehr
Sendt: 7. marts 2018 18:34
Til: PROJ.4 and general Projections Discussions <proj at lists.maptools.org>
Emne: [Proj] Testing of proj

Hi all,

In case anyone is interested, I've just pushed my first set of tests for proj to my GDAL autotest2 "third_party" trees.  Nothing super exciting, but this is some of the stuff I count on for CI.

Python subprocess minimally testing cs2cs:

C++ gunit tests - not well thought out and very little coverage:

I have yet to wrap existing proj tests to a gunit/python unittest/bazel world.  Any chance someone could point me at more docs about the testing strategy for proj 5 and going forward?  There isn't much here: http://proj4.org/contributing.html

I see these, but which are the most important going forward?  It appears that porting the gie infrastructure with the gigs test cases is probably the best place to start.  Does that make sense?

Are binaries like cs2cs tested anywhere?  I can't seem to find anything.

ls test
CMakeLists.txt  Makefile.am     fuzzers         gie             gigs

ls cmake | grep -i test

cd src; ls | egrep -i 'gie|test'

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