[PROJ] (Angular/Linear/Scale) speed in C++ API

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Mon Dec 2 10:42:19 PST 2019


> But anyway this email is for another question. In the C++ API, class
> WKTParser provides a guessDialect(string) method. But I do not see a way
> to tell WKTParser::createFromWKT(string) that the given string is known
> to be a GDAL flavor of WKT 1, or the OGC 01-009 standard WKT 1. Both of
> them differ in the interpretation of unit of measurement in PRIMEM and
> PARAMETER elements, and it seems to me hazardous to guess the flavor
> automatically (I realize that it the case of PRIMEM we may rely on the
> prime meridian name, but it is not guaranteed to work and it may not
> solve the PARAMETER case). Did I missed something?

No, you didn't miss anything. Only the GDAL flavor/interpretation of WKT1 has 
been implemented in createFromWKT()

(For readers not familar with the issue discussed, historical considerations 
can be found in https://gdal.org/tutorials/wktproblems.html )


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