[PROJ] WGS84/NAD83 Original to {current} transforms

Matt.Wilkie at gov.yk.ca Matt.Wilkie at gov.yk.ca
Fri Nov 22 15:59:50 PST 2019

Hi Even,

Yeah, it's the same quest that had me wake up the Github issue.

It would be great to resolve the licensing question for the provincial grids, and help if I can. It won't help my particular situation of: no grids available at all. I was hoping (grasping at straws) that someone here would have an alternate idea.

The BC grid files are here ftp://ftp.gdbc.gov.bc.ca/sections/outgoing/gsr/NTv2.0/ but the license is definitely closed (Disclaimer.txt). It should be okay to have a script that displayed the disclaimer, downloaded, and stuffed the files in the right directory though as the restriction is on redistribution:

> No further distribution of NTv2 SOFTWARE, GRID SHIFT FILES and PROCEDURES, 
> in any form, either in whole or in part, is permitted.

I've also queried NRCAN Geodetic Services, a local survey and engineering company, and a few other people who've been publicly noisy about aspects of CSRS that seem to intersect my scenario. I'll report back on those conversations too.


Geomatics Analyst | Environment | T 867-667-8133 | Yukon.ca

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