[PROJ] WGS84 Misaligned Maps Paper - Draft being created for OGC Technical Committee meeting

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Sep 2 00:25:16 PDT 2019

Proj folks, we've been drafting a paper which Joel Haasdyk from Australia
will be presenting at the OGC Technical Committee meeting next week.
It summarises the challenges faced by high-accuracy mapping and time
dependence, as is currently being exposed in web-mapping. Much of this is
rooted in discussions about projections.
If any of you have the opportunity to review within the day couple of days,
it would be much appreciated.

The concise and reasonable polished summary to be presented to the OGC is


If you are super interested, and have a significant amount of spare time,
you are welcome to trawl through my verbose working notes, (which covers
more detail about problems and potential solutions, but which is also much
less polished and has errors):
Verbose working version:


Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254
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