[PROJ] OSGeo incubation status

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.com
Tue Sep 10 04:16:51 PDT 2019

Thanks for the link to the ticket. One minor correction:

> PROJ support the Well-Known Text and Well-Known Text2 described in the
> ISO 19111 standard on "Referencing by coordinates". I am not aware of
> any official certification. To the best of my knownledge PROJ is the
> first application to implement WKT2, so it can in some sense be
> regarded as a reference implementation. 
To my knowledge, the first open-source project to support ISO 19162
(a.k.a. WKT2) was an ESRI prototype [1] and the second project was
Apache SIS [2] since 2017. PROJ is third. PROJ is however the first
project to my knowledge to implement the WKT2 update published in 2019,
but this is a relatively minor revision of ISO 19162:2015 (compared to
WKT 1).

On EPSG, can we really said that the data fail under MIT license because
we do not modify it? The EPSG terms of use said:

> You are obliged to inform anyone to whom you provide the EPSG
> Facilities of these Terms of Use.
So we need to inform users that they can not modify those data without
changing the EPSG name. And also that they can not extract the data and
sell them alone (without the added value of PROJ or other software).
Those conditions are not MIT terms.

The Apache Software Foundation legal team has debated about the
permission to include EPSG data in Apache software [3], and our
conclusion was that we can not provide them directly. We do that
indirectly by providing the data in a "non-free" package and require an
explicit action from users (which we try to make as simple as possible)
to get them.



[1] https://github.com/Esri/ogc-crs-wkt-parser
[2] http://sis.apache.org/
[3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LEGAL-183

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